Effects of Covid-19 on Food Supply Chain


  • Usman Muhammad University of Sialkot
  • Qasim Muhammad University of Sialkot
  • Munaim Abdul University of Sialkot
  • Hamid Arshad University of Sialkot


food supply, COVID-19, pandemic, Crises


A serious COVID-19 viral epidemic has created a new age on the globe, while we sort out the consequences in all aspects of our daily lives. There is no exception in the food sector and food supply chain. Considering the food supply chain, commercial activities and the supply of various food products have been halted due to a reduction in demand, the closure of food manufacturing facilities, and financial constraints.  

Due to Given current issues in the food supply chain, there is growing worry regarding food production, processing, distribution, and demand. COVID-19 caused labour movement limitations, changes in consumer demand, the closure of food manufacturing facilities, restricted food trade laws, and financial constraints in the food supply chain. As a result, governments should make it easier for labour and agricultural products to transfer. Furthermore, small farmers and vulnerable people should be financially supported. By changing safety measures, facilities can improve working conditions while also protecting employees' health and safety. To avoid an increase in food prices, food protectionist policies should be avoided. To summarise, each country must recognise the gravity of the situation and, depending on the development of the pandemic, either tighten or ease its controls. To be able to respond quickly when existing sources are affected, the food supply chain relies on an open and predictable international trading environment. There have been other actions taken by policymakers to guarantee that food supply systems continue to function, including avoiding some of the mistakes made during the food price crisis of 2007-8.

As of this writing, we know how much stress COVID-19 has put on the food supply chain, how these supply systems have responded and how resilient they have remained, and where the remaining bottlenecks are. Copies of the COVID-19 report, as well as this follow-up comment, are available (29 April 2020). Focus here is on food availability and access to food, not on the livelihoods of farmers and other supply chain actors or the environmental or health consequences.... Because of the lack of information on the effects of COVID-19 on developing nations, this note concentrates on OECD countries. Food supply chains in underdeveloped nations are more likely to be affected by the lack of health care, the prevalence of informal work, the lack of efficient logistics channels, and the more labor-intensive nature of farming.


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How to Cite

Muhammad, U., Muhammad, Q. ., Abdul, M., & Arshad, H. (2022). Effects of Covid-19 on Food Supply Chain. DASC Research Center, 1(2). Retrieved from http://rc.dasceurope.com/index.php/DASC-RC/article/view/2