The Impact of Innovation & Infrastructure of Green Airports Toward Airlines and Passengers


  • Minal Shahzad University of Sialkot
  • Kaynat Dilawar University of Sialkot
  • Ali Raza M. University of Sialkot
  • Shajee-ul-Hassan University of Sialkot
  • Maha Nadeem University of Sialkot


Green Airports, Innovation & Infrastructure, Airlines and Passengers


In this paper, we have analyzed the response of airlines and passengers by changing airport infrastructure and providing innovations. However, by doing a thorough empirical analysis of different Green International airports, we learned that passengers and airlines could differentiate between eco-friendly and regular airports. Different technologies are being used in these green airports; for instance, they utilize and convert natural recourses like sun and rainwater in a helpful manner for additional facilitation. Furthermore, our targeted samples airlines and passengers are willing to work for a sustainable, eco-friendly environment to breathe in. Therefore, airports are a great place to promote green living and reduce carbon emissions. In addition to the survey, web-based research was undertaken to evaluate the present state of sustainability efforts at various airports and passenger and airline attitudes regarding them.


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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2278-2540

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How to Cite

Shahzad, M., Dilawar, K., M., A. R., Shajee-ul-Hassan, & Nadeem, M. (2022). The Impact of Innovation & Infrastructure of Green Airports Toward Airlines and Passengers. DASC Research Center, 1(2). Retrieved from