Research Center: Announcements2021-12-08T14:30:03+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>Journal Management Research by DASC UK has a team of 13 members, 3 are directors and 10 are staff.</p> <p><strong>Journal of the DASC UK Research Center (RCJ)</strong></p> <p><strong>Objectives</strong><br />One of the most competitive businesses on the planet is the aviation industry. Globalization propels the industry forward in a dynamic manner; at the same time, the rising trend toward deregulation compels managers to challenge long-held traditions and look for new solutions and management tools.</p> <p>It is critical to provide an international platform for executives and academics to analyse and debate current advances in air transportation. The goal of the DASC UK Research Center Journal (RCJ) is to address contemporary concerns in aviation management by bridging the gap between research and practice and encouraging interaction.</p> <p><strong>Readership</strong></p> <p>Academics and researchers working on aviation management and related topics</p> <p>Managers and policymakers in the aviation sector, such as airline executives, airport executives, and air traffic controllers</p> <p>Executives who work for government regulatory and other organizations</p> <p><strong>Among the topics discussed are:</strong></p> <p>- Issues of strategy<br />- Operations in logistics and air freight<br />- Methods of forecasting and revenue management<br />- Economics and finance<br />- Topics related to intermodal transportation<br />- Aviation Management<br />- Concerns about the environment<br />- Policy and regulation in the aviation industry<br />- Aviation legislation<br />- Problems with macroeconomics<br />- Scheduling, slot allocation, and network planning<br />- Control of air traffic<br />- Planning and administration of airports<br />- Business of Aviation</p>