The Effect of Leading Pricing on Sales Performance in Pakistan's Aviation and Airline Sector


  • Mehak Nasir Superior University Lahore
  • Zara Zafar Superior University Lahore
  • Ali Gohar Superior University Lahore


Leading Pricing, Sales Performance, Pakistan's Aviation Sector, Discriminatory Pricing, Pricing for Penetration, Price Reduced, Pricing Psychology


The purpose of this study is to see how competitive pricing affects sales numbers in the Pakistan aviation industry. The information was gathered using a constructed survey method from two seventy respondents in Pakistani air travel services. The data was examined using the Simple linear regression analysis. The findings show that discriminatory, penetration and reduced prices (Independent Variables) strategies in the Pakistan aviation industry had a positive and significant impact on sale performance which is a Dependent Variable. The researchers indicated that fair pricing was crucial for increasing and improving the Pakistan aviation industry's sales performance. Based on the study's dimensions and relevant literature, four hypotheses were developed. In a questionnaire with twenty questionnaires, the dimensions and research hypothesis were designed to collect data, analyze the hypothesis, and reach conclusions. The questionnaires were then distributed to passengers of Pakistan Airlines. The data collection yielded 230 completed questionnaires, 200 of which were processed for further research. Overall, the results of this study findings provide and support the study's model. As a result of the overall analysis, Hypothesis 1 and 2 are assumed to be rejected, while Hypothesis 3 and Hypothesis 4 are assumed to be accepted.


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How to Cite

Nasir, M., Zafar, Z., & Gohar, A. (2022). The Effect of Leading Pricing on Sales Performance in Pakistan’s Aviation and Airline Sector. DASC Research Center, 1(2). Retrieved from